500 boys and girls get their wings at the 2024 Children's Flight

Many of the young boys and girls who flew for the first time today have told HOT1027 news they’d love to become pilots when they grow up.

500 disadvantaged girls and boys earned their wings at the 9th edition of the Children’s Flight at the Tempe Airfield in Bloemfontein.

HOT1027’s Tara Penny was there…
6 Sep English South Africa Entertainment News · Documentary

Other recent episodes

Derailed: Episode 12: "We're getting about 3 000 calls a day"

Before the COVID lockdown , the South African Depression and Anxiety Group was taking about 600 calls a day. Now , SADAG councilors are receiving almost 3000 calls every day. In the run up to “World Mental health” day on the 10th of October, we’re looking at the struggles many…
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Derailed: Episode 11: Waiting over 3 months to see a psychiatrist

With a severe shortage of psychiatrists here in South Africa, many traumatised people are having to wait over 3 months to see a professional. In the lead up to ''World Mental Health day'' on the 10th of October, we're looking at what people are going through in our country -…
4 Oct 2 min

Derailed: Episode 10: We've lost something in all the gaining

Experts and observers are warning the shift in societal values and norms is affecting our mental health in many ways. For the month of October , we’re putting mental health under the microscope, while looking at the resources available to help. HOT1027’s Tara Penny has more…
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Derailed: Episode 9: Smoking as a mental health crutch

Experts are warning many stressed and anxious people are trying to use cigarettes as a coping mechanism - without realising the devastating effects on mental health. For decades, we’ve known the serious – and often deadly - damage that smoking does to the body... but it doesn’t end there. This…
3 Oct 2 min

Derailed: Episode 8: We match the help with the need

As we put mental health under the spotlight this month, experts are reminding us all that crisis centers are available 24 hours a day to arrange appropriate care for anyone in need. In the run up to ''World Mental Health day'' on the 10th of October, we're roping in the…
3 Oct 2 min