Prescribed assets - The potential erosion of investor choice and misallocation of capital

Welcome to 'Money, Markets, and Masterminds,' - a Citywire South Africa podcast - that delves into the intricate world of finance, investment, and strategic decision-making.   If you're a fund selector or an independent financial adviser, looking for insights, analysis, and expert opinions to enhance your perspective, you're in the right place - here with me editor - Ruan Jooste.  Today’s podcast is all about the latest economic trends and developments that are shaping economies around the world, with a specific focus on sovereign debt, and the controversial topic of prescribed assets. One of the key concerns surrounding the South African economy is its rising government debt and the upward trajectory, reaching unsustainable levels, which means the servicing costs are growing astronomically, with the country not being able to show much for those increases.One proposed solution to address government debt levels is the implementation of prescribed assets, which is now an official fixture in the ruling party’s manifesto. It says it will forge ahead with plans to revive an apartheid-era rule compelling pension funds to plough money into certain government-approved investments, assuming it retains power in upcoming elections.  So, what are the chances of this playing out and what are the accompanying factors that investors should be most worried about. We invited Reza Ismail, the head of bonds at Prescient Investment Management into the studio to take us through the motions. 
15 Mar English South Africa Investing

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