Responsible investing is much more than just picking companies that claim to be green

In this podcast episode, we delve into the world of responsible investing and discuss Investec Wealth & Investment International’s newly launched ESG and Responsible Investing Guidebook. We explore how this free-to-download educational resource can help trustees, investors, and fund selectors navigate the complexities of integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into their investment strategies.

ESG is no longer a niche strategy; it has entered the mainstream as businesses and institutions are increasingly expected to be responsible stewards of the planet and its people. However, this shift comes with its challenges, especially when it comes to managing money and aligning investment returns with institutional values.

We asked Barry Shamley (pictured below), portfolio manager of the Investec BCI Dynamic Equity fund and co-manager of the Investec Global Sustainable Equity fund at Investec Investment Management to help us examine his approach of incorporating ESG into his investment strategies and what questions should be posed to issuers to enable long-term success and sustainability.

We also explore the trends shaping the future of ESG investing and the challenges faced by trustees, investors, and fund managers in adapting to this rapidly evolving landscape.
10 Sep English South Africa Investing

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