Celebrating the Legacy and Positive Impact of the KFC Mini-Cricket Volunteer Coaches
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Daphne Pheteni Vezi, has been a KFC Mini-Cricket coach for over 20 years. She chats with SAFM on the impact she’s been able to make through the coaching skills attained working with KFC.
“KFC provides a great opportunity to those at grass roots level. Teaching vulnerable kids and equipping them with long term life skills along with cricket skills is so important. The legacy I want to leave is to see mini cricket graduate to hard ball and have the kids play at national level”, says Daphne.
“KFC provides a great opportunity to those at grass roots level. Teaching vulnerable kids and equipping them with long term life skills along with cricket skills is so important. The legacy I want to leave is to see mini cricket graduate to hard ball and have the kids play at national level”, says Daphne.