De Beer: SA - A portal to terror

South Africa has become the new gateway to terror. So says Neil de Beer, the President of the United Independent Movement. He spoke to BizNews after the arrest of 95 Libyan nationals at a suspected secret military training camp and the sanctioning by US authorities of an ISIS operative as well as a trainer based in South Africa. De Beer warns: “…we better wake up because if we don't, the absolute terror now being cast in Mozambique, without a doubt, the horrific deaths and killings in DRC are going to come to roost in this country. And it's not doom and gloom. It's not spreading fear…you cannot deny that South Africa is becoming a hub, a centre, a logistical conduit to terror.” De Beer explains how lack of action previously could be because of sensitive links between suspected terrorists and powerful people. However, De Beer has words of praise for new Police Minister Senzo Mchunu who he says “absolutely is a doer”.
28 Jul 8AM English South Africa Investing · Business News

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