Trump & Biden: The Cover-ups - with Colonel Chris Wyatt

Kimberly Cheatle - who has resigned as the Director of the Secret Service - following the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump should be charged criminally for negligence, dereliction of duty, and also perjury before Congress. This is the call from Colonel Chris Wyatt, the former Director of African studies at the US Army War College. “She lied. She told us they had no video footage of any of the agents or any of the activity that took place that day. That was a bold-faced lie. This woman is part of a cover-up. Now, I'm not saying that the government tried to kill Trump, but there's a clear cover-up to cover the backside of an incompetent or malfeasant or negligent Secret Service.” As for President Joe Biden finally exiting the Presidential race, Colonel Wyatt says: “What they've done here is they've run a fake election for the past 18 months to defraud the American people when they knew full well that Joe Biden did not have the mental acuity or the health to be serving as President for another four years. He didn't have it for these four years.” He predicts that Vice-President Kamala Harris can’t beat Trump in a free and fair election, but warns that Trump has made a mistake by picking J.D. Vance as his running mate. “He brings in people who are not loyal to his inner circle and then they betray him.” Meanwhile, Colonel Wyatt fears for the safety not only of Trump, but of Harris and Biden too.
25 Jul 12PM English South Africa Investing · Business News

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