Five hundred and fifty pilgrims have died during Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca

There has been devastating human and economic consequences of the heatwaves in several parts of the world. At least five hundred and fifty pilgrims have died during the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca
In the UK inflation has come under the 2 per cent target for the first time in three yearsAnd the surging prices of luxury goods have turned off turned off some shoppers. We ask why?
19 Jun 7PM English United Kingdom Business

Other recent episodes

Kenya faces renewed protests

We head to Kenya where a day after President Ruto rolled back controversial tax increases, young protestors are still out on the streets . As police fire tear gas to try and disperse crowds, Devina Gupta finds out what the impact has been on daily life and businesses. Also, how…
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Bolivia faces attempted coup

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Kenya’s President Ruto refuses to sign finance bill

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Protesters in Kenya angry over tax rises

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