Carers Allowance and HMRC helpline

Money Box can reveal that the government is recouping more than £250m pounds from over 100,000 carers who it says broke the earnings rule and should have lost their carer's allowance. The numbers came from a Parliamentary Question this week asked by the chair of the work and pensions select committee, Twice as many women as men are being chased for these overpayments.We hear from a carer who has around £5000 worth of debt as well as finding out more about rights for carers affected.The Department for Work and Pensions told us, “The total amount of Carer’s Allowance overpayments includes historical debts which the department is seeking to recover. In comparison, Carer’s Allowance expenditure is forecast to be £4.2 billion this year alone.”

“Carers across the UK are unsung heroes who make a huge difference to someone else’s life, and we have increased Carer's Allowance by almost £1,500 since 2010.” Also on the programme, a report by spending watchdog the National Audit Office has revealed callers to HMRC helplines were on hold for a total of 789 years in 2022/23. Are we saving enough for our retirement? Pensions and investment mutual Royal London gives Money Box exclusive figures.And how do you spend a £50 note? We get to the bottom of what shops are allowed to accept.Presenter: Paul Lewis
Reporters: Dan Whitworth and Sandra Hardial
Researcher: Jo Krasner
Editor: Sarah Rogers
15 Jun English United Kingdom Business

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