DE BEER on the power-hungry scramble for SA & the ports of KZN

United Independent Movement (UIM) President Neil de Beer has slammed the ongoing power-hungry coalition talks in which the ruling African National Congress  (ANC) is “not negotiating to stay in power”, but “negotiating to survive”. He also decries outrageous demands from possible coalition partners, and warns: “When you are sitting at a table, you shouldn't be picking out what you want. You should be doing the best for the country. And what we've got now is the actual appearance of those people who are picking and choosing. And they are actually causing that a Government of National Unity is not going to make it in the long run...” He further warns about looming “economic battle lines” in a country not dominated by a single party, but in which provinces are going into coalitions to become independent for political control that will give them power over some of the most important infrastructure of the economy, like the ports of KZN. Meanwhile, De Beer is already lining up candidates to stand in every one of the 270 odd municipalities in the 2026 municipal elections “to ensure there's accountability” and that bread-and-butter issues are dealt with - regardless of what happens at national level.
10 Jun 5AM English South Africa Investing · Business News

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