Best Pathway to Australia: Get an Employer Sponsor or Become a Diesel Mechanic/Soldier - Sam Hopwood

Governments all over the world are starting to close the door to emigrants, particularly in a year when many countries are holding elections and politicians have singled out migration as an election issue. In Australia, the current government is planning to revolutionise the immigration system. Australian immigration specialist at Sable International, Sam Hopwood, told Biznews in an interview that the envisaged changes will affect employer-sponsored visas and general skilled migration. Hopwood said Australia is favouring younger candidates, and one of the suggested changes is the introduction of a top-tier category for people with specialist skills. This category is aimed at those earning between AUD 100,000 and AUD 135,000 in Australia, whose visas the government wants to process within seven days. His advice to clients considering emigration is to find a sponsor in Australia who wants to employ them. In-demand jobs include diesel mechanics, and there is a new scheme for joining the Australian Defence Force.
7 Jun 8AM English South Africa Investing · Business News

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