Pastor Brian explores the powerful truth of glorification in Christ. In this episode, we dive into Romans 8:30 and uncover the five stages of God's purpose for believers: foreknowledge, predestination, calling, justification, and ultimate glorification. Pastor Brian also reflects on the eternal glory believers will experience when we are forever…
Pastor Brian De Villiers explores the importance of forgetfulness, drawing inspiration from Philippians 3:13 and the teachings of Jesus. Learn how to let go of past successes, failures, grievances, and fears to live a victorious life. Pastor Brian emphasizes the necessity of forgiveness — both towards others and ourselves —…
Die lewe en roeping van Andreas, die broer van Petrus, en sy reis as 'n volgeling van Jesus Christus. Ons ondersoek sy rol in die evangelie en wat ons van sy karakter kan leer. Hoe het Andreas ander na Jesus gelei? Hoe het hy sy roeping aanvaar sonder twyfel? Sluit…
Elza Meyer ondersoek die lewens van die dissipels Jakob en Johannes en hul rol en invloed in Jesus se bediening. Van hul vurige persoonlikhede tot hul unieke band met Jesus, leer meer oor hul reis en wat dit werklik beteken om 'n dissipels van Jesus te wees. Luister na 'n…
Jacques Malan deel oor die diep geestelike waarhede oor die wedergeboorte en opstanding in Christus. Ontdek hoe die krag van Jesus se dood en opstanding jou lewe kan transformeer en hoe jy as 'n nuwe skepping in Christus kan lewe. Jacques deel insigte uit Kolossense 3 en ander skrifte, wat… may request cookies to be stored on our device. We use cookies to understand how you interact with us, to enrich and personalise your experience, to enable social media functionality and to provide more relevant advertising. Using the sections below you can customise which cookies we're allowed to store. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience.