Judges in MK Party/Zuma case against IEC, ‘took the soft option’ – Prof Theo Venter

Judges in MK Party/Zuma case against IEC, ‘took the soft option’ – Prof Theo Venter
Former President Jacob Zuma can contest the election as one of the candidates for the uMkhonto weSizwe Party. It follows after the Electoral Court dismissed the Independent Electoral’s (IEC) objection to Zuma’s inclusion because he has been convicted of a crime. It will mean that Zuma could be back in Parliament if the MK Party garners enough support on 29 May. Political analyst, Prof Theo Venter said in an interview with Biznews that the judges took the soft option rather than strictly adhering to constitutional principles. Zuma, he says has the cunning ability, like former U.S President Donald Trump to put the system under pressure. Venter said he believes that the five judges on the bench were swayed by extra-judicial issues like the potential for violence. Should the IEC decide to take the matter to the Constitutional Court, Venter said it would not be before the elections. He described the May elections as almost unpredictable, now. Zuma’s inclusion on the MK Party’s ballot is going to be a game-changer, Venter said.
9 Apr 3PM English South Africa Investing · Business News

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