ANC in danger of liquidation | Daily Friend Wrap

Nicholas Lorimer and Sara Gon discuss the potential liquidation of the ANC’s assets due to the party not paying its bills for the 2019 election. They also discuss the loss of so many jobs in the mining sector and how stock theft also hurts the poorest in our society.
28 Nov 2023 9AM English South Africa News Commentary · Politics

Other recent episodes

ANC MP resigns after corruption charge (finally!)

Today's Daily Friend Show with Nicholas Lorimer, Sara Gon and Chris Hattingh. They discuss the resignation of an ANC MP from parliament. They also discuss racially charged threats from an EFF cllr and a training camp in Mpumalanga.
26 Jul 8AM 34 min

NHI dealt big setback | Daily Friend Wrap

Makone Maja and Nicholas Lorimer discuss the Pretoria High Court judgement against the certificate of need in the NHI bill. They also discuss GNU dynamics and property rights and EWC.
25 Jul 10AM 17 min

COSATU defends Zille | Daily Friend Wrap

Nicholas Lorimer and Marius Roodt discuss the potential shattering of COSATU and the ANC as the GNU shifts South African politics. They also discuss a deal between ActionSA and the ANC in Gauteng.
23 Jul 10AM 18 min

Biden is out

Today's Daily Friend Show with Sara Gon, John Endres and Nicholas Lorimer. They discuss the announcement that Joe Biden will no longer run for reelection. They also discuss the renewed debate on expropriation without compensation (EWC). Lastly they chat about university funding.
22 Jul 8AM 35 min