Worldwide recognition for ‘I am all Girl’ and SA film industry

A South African movie released on Netflix, 'I am all Girls' has received worldwide attention, being described as a "must-watch" for the acting and important storyline. The thriller tells the story of a detective who finds common ground with an unlikely ally - a killer who is systematically targeting perpetrators behind a powerful child-trafficking ring. It is based on a true South African story. One of the main characters, a detective called Ntombizonke, is played by Hlube Mboya-Turner. Mboya-Turner told BizNews that it was a difficult role to play, but as human trafficking is a crime with a very low conviction rate, she thought it was a story that had to be told. The film also highlights the quality of the South African film industry. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
28 Jul 2021 8AM English South Africa Investing · Business News

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