A snake in the room
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We should be terrified.
We are sitting with a snake in the room; we are pretending that it's not there.
That is the blunt assessment of South Africa by leading thinker and communications expert Songezo Zibi founder of the think-tank The Rivonia Circle.
He says in a year when the ANC has its elective conference there is very little governing that goes on.
He believes to fix South Africa a fundamental redesign of politics is needed and it's high time the top fifty or so business leaders got into a room to force the pace.
We are sitting with a snake in the room; we are pretending that it's not there.
That is the blunt assessment of South Africa by leading thinker and communications expert Songezo Zibi founder of the think-tank The Rivonia Circle.
He says in a year when the ANC has its elective conference there is very little governing that goes on.
He believes to fix South Africa a fundamental redesign of politics is needed and it's high time the top fifty or so business leaders got into a room to force the pace.