Catching up with the incomparable and talented Moshidi Motshegwa
As one of the country’s most sought after actors, Moshidi Motshegwa has captured our hearts and imagination over the nearly three decade she spent on stage and in front of the camera bringing to life all manner of characters.
In this conversation on Midday Joy she chats to Kgomotso Meso about her latest role as Sarah on the hit daily drama ISONO. She shares the inspiration for and process of finding Sarah [the name of her Character on ISONO] as well as her excitement at offering viewers “… an interpretation to an African female character who could easily be lost in the cracks of society.” Moshidi hopes that the character opens a conversation that is often difficult to have around the experience of women, violence and the results of trauma.
In this conversation on Midday Joy she chats to Kgomotso Meso about her latest role as Sarah on the hit daily drama ISONO. She shares the inspiration for and process of finding Sarah [the name of her Character on ISONO] as well as her excitement at offering viewers “… an interpretation to an African female character who could easily be lost in the cracks of society.” Moshidi hopes that the character opens a conversation that is often difficult to have around the experience of women, violence and the results of trauma.