The Money Shot

Find out where the money’s going, who’s got the money, how you can make more of the money and who’s making decisions about the money. Every Monday on The Gareth Cliff Show we get an update on what’s happening in the world of finance from various experts in the field.
Weekly English South Africa Business · Investing
228 Episodes
1 – 20

Mr at the right Price

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
Mr Price is raising capital through an age old method. Are we going to see a scramble to capture Edgars' market share if they don't survive after lockdown? Investec are navigating murky waters after Brexit and Covid-19 have restrained business activity. Are food retailers Covid-proof? Chinese stocks are feeling the…
25 May 2020 11 min

Survive, not Thrive

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
Though JSE share value is down, this is no time to panic, Exchanges recover from crashes rather quickly. With the UK's GDP contracting 2% in the first quarter and 33 million jobs lost in America, how will this affect consumer spending as lockdown eases? Group Five will be delisting after…
18 May 2020 16 min

Market reality vs Street reality

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
The economic reality on the street vs the markets is worlds apart. Is it good when the yield is up? What exactly are foreign reserves? Is Covid-19 enforced redundancy just an excuse for businesses who were on the brink anyway? And the US job loss numbers have gone beyond the…
11 May 2020 18 min

Edcon & Comair in trouble while Spotify flies

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
Another positive week for the JSE, as investors turn positive on the news that quite a few countries are lifting lockdown restrictions. S&P ratings agency downgraded SA further into junk status, but the Rand is still holding below 19/US$. Edcon has filed for voluntary business rescue, as Comair find themselves…
4 May 2020 13 min

Volatile is the new norm

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
Why doesn't the Stock Market close when all other businesses have to? Who legislates the JSE? Are traders adjusting to volatility as the new norm on the market? While the Rand hit an all-time low, Anthea details what micro and macro factors could lead to inflation if we are not…
28 Apr 2020 15 min

Gold is now a bar

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
How is it possible that trading volumes are up January to March 2020? Are the IMF being a little dramatic with their predictions on the economic global outlook post Covid-19? JP Morgan's losses are astronomical in the latest reporting. Gold is now a bar, yes it's that kind of bar…
20 Apr 2020 15 min

Sub-Saharan shrink

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
Banks are expecting a $5 trillion loss from all the coronavirus related economic inactivity. The All Share Index is up 4%, which is a disconnect from the real world economy. Sasol's share price is up 73%... what is going on there? Volatility is at an all time high on the…
14 Apr 2020 20 min

Don't bank on them

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
South African Bonds are still in high demand, which is good news in what has been a tough economic month for the country. Banks have taken a 40% knock and projections are not much better, as the ripple effect of Covid-19 is now truly starting to shake all sectors of…
6 Apr 2020 15 min

South Africa is in a junk Moody today

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
Edcon has been teetering for a while, but the Covid-19 lockdown may very well be the coup de grace which deems the company defunct. Mr Price has delayed the release of its reports during the lockdown, and there are murmurs that bonuses and raises for their executive staff may be…
30 Mar 2020 12 min

Cash is King

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
The credo of those who trade on stock markets right now is “sell, sell, sell!” The trend as we stand is to move from equity to cash. The All-Share index is 9% down this week. South Africa - of all the emerging markets on planet Earth - is doing well,…
23 Mar 2020 15 min

We’re in a Bear market... it’s a-paw-ling

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
We’re in a bear market now, that’s not great news. In the USA, central banks will cut interest rates and pump “easy money” into the system. We saw quantitative easing in 2008, and what did the banks do then? Sasol are struggling, but do we just need to calm down?…
17 Mar 2020 34 min

Bullish Bidvest

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
Seleho is quite clear about where you shouldn’t put your money as corona fear spreads throughout the market. Has South Africa stayed with the markets of the world in terms of growth? The blue and green banks of South Africa have posted contrasting results... it’s amazing to see the polarity…
9 Mar 2020 15 min

Tito says "No tax hike"

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
This week we saw the biggest decline on the markets since the global financial crisis of 2008. If you are a long term investor, don’t panic. Tito’s speech contained no tax increase... what a miracle. Can he cut the public sector wage bill though? How much more debt can South…
1 Mar 2020 16 min

Tito & Moody’s week

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
Coal consumption has been reduced by 50% in China, the coronavirus has almost halted the Chinese economy. Economists are downgrading economic growth worldwide because China’s activity affects the world at large. It’s Budget Speech week and Anthea has a less than positive take on the prospects beyond Tito’s address. How…
23 Feb 2020 15 min

Hong Kong price cuts

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
The coronavirus is still having a tremendous effect on world markets. Hong Kong’s landlords have cut prices by up to 50% in an effort to keep tenants occupying their properties. Moody’s has taken a surprisingly positive stance after Cyril’s SONA. However the Budget Speech will determine whether South Africa will…
16 Feb 2020 11 min

Amazon: A trillion dollars old

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
As the Chinese workforce gets back to work, it’s revealed that oil demand is down 20%, the coronavirus’ effect is everywhere. The People’s Bank of China has pumped 1.7 trillion Yuan into the economy. The Mining Indaba was not the extravaganza of years gone by. The purchasing managers’ index is…
10 Feb 2020 12 min

Tesla is winning

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
Coronavirus has affected the Asian market - Asian shares are down 7%. Two thirds of Chinese businesses are closed for the week. The winners from coronavirus are the biotech companies. Anthea says when the Rand is weak, invest off peak. Elon Musk is on his way to a possible $50…
2 Feb 2020 13 min

Tesla dwarfs Ferrari

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
The Corona virus is affecting the markets. Even after a bullish 5 months, the markets are so fragile. In these uncertain times, where should we be investing our money? How do we find high return businesses? Tesla is now worth twice as much as Ferrari, how is that possible? Naspers…
26 Jan 2020 12 min

E-Commerce is King

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
The Reserve Bank has lowered the interest rate. China and America have finally sealed what looks like a massive trade deal between the two countries. Peter Moyo’s departure has seen the Old Mutual stock rise by 6%. Brick and mortar is losing to e-commerce. Naspers CEO Bob van Dyk has…
20 Jan 2020 16 min

Effects of load shedding on SA business

Podcast  |  The Real Network | The Money Shot
WW3 is already over before it started and the markets have reacted. Anthea tells us about the effects of load shedding on the outlook of business in South Africa. Edcon has shut down its Edgars store in Rosebank, not a great sign. Is retail dead? Absa has announced their brand…
12 Jan 2020 12 min
1 – 20