Radio Pulpit Jula Ezwini | Teachings

Jula Ezwini | Teachings

Jula Ezwini (Focus on the Word) is a magazine programme on Radio Pulpit. It comprises of interviews, discussions and music designed to encourage and motivate listeners. We broadcast the show in both English and isiZulu.
Weekly Zulu South Africa Christianity · Self-Improvement
329 Episodes
20 – 40

Watch What You Say.

Bahle Nhlapo is back once again with Pastor Aaron Vellem and they are looking at Watch What You Say. They are looking at what you say will determine your destiny.
7 Feb 19 min


Bahle Nhlapo is back in full swing as she kickstarts the year with Sis Bongi Gqontshi and they are conversing about Growth. As we start the year, she emphasis the fact that we must have growth in all areas of our lives.
7 Feb 17 min

Creating A Personal Vision Statement.

Bahle Nhlapo and Pastor Mamsy Mashinini are closing the month at a high level and they are looking at Creating A Personal Vision Statement. They are looking at Proverbs 29:18 and that it is different than a vision board because personal vision statement you write a statement in the form…
7 Jan 36 min

Fear The Lord God.

Bahle Nhlapo is conversing with Pastor Bonginkosi Mkhonza as they end the month and they are talking about Fear The Lord God. That we must be careful what we say, how we say what we say, what we do, how we do them, our actions, and our behaviours as children…
7 Jan 14 min

Celebrating Jesus.

Bahle and Pastor Mamsy Mashinini are looking deeper into the series talk and they are focusing on why must we Celebrate Jesus, who must celebrate Him, and how must we celebrate Him.
7 Jan 43 min

Go and may God be with you.

Bahle Nhlapo is in great conversation and today she is with Bonginkosi Mkhonza about Go and may God be with you. They are looking at David from 1Samuel 17:33-37 and he focuses on how David stands against the challenge to face Goliath the great giant in those days who was…
7 Jan 15 min

Trusting in God.

Pastor Shaun Setlhare is back with another powerful dose of a message of encouragement and he is looking at Trusting in God.
7 Jan 12 min

Stop licking your wounds and walk in an open door.

Bahle Nhlapo is back again with Pastor Mamsy Mashinini about stopping licking your wounds and you better be focusing on walking through an open door. You should get rid of all anger, bitterness, revenge, and all bad things just like a wound when it starts to
6 Jan 30 min

May God Gives You What You Desire.

Pastor Shaun Setlhare is back with another dose saying May God Gives You What You Desire. He is reading from the book of Psalms 20:4.
6 Jan 19 min

Still I Rise.

Bahle Nhlapo is conversing again with Pastor Mamsy Mamosa Mashinini and they are looking at the issue Still I Rise. They focus on how to stand even when you are knocked down many times.
6 Jan 37 min

Trust The Father.

Bahle Nhlapo is in great conversation with Pastor Bonginkosi Mkhonza and they are talking about Trust The Father.
13 Dec 2024 12 min

What Offerings Are These Offerings?

Bahle Nhlapo is back with words of encouragement with Pastor Shaun Setlhare and he is talking about What Offerings Are These Offerings.
13 Dec 2024 14 min

Bleeding Must Stop.

Bahle Nhlapo is once more in great conversation with another new speaker for December, Pastor Mamsy Ndalani Mamosa about Bleeding Must Stop. The are looking at the causes of bleeding, why this bleeding, and how can one overcome this bleeding?
6 Dec 2024 30 min

Show yourself true and faithful during these festive times.

Bahle Nhlapo is back with another new encourager or motivator from Piet Retief, Mr. Bonginkosi Mkhonza, about Staying True and Faithful during festive times. You are not to conform to the pleasures and patterns of this world.
6 Dec 2024 15 min

Christianity And Sexual Addiction P4.

Bahle Nhlapo is back with Dr. MmaMajoro Shilubane and is wrapping up her topic of Sexual Addiction. She is looking at how to find help when you are sexually addicted in the marital setup, and the danger of what one's consumes.
2 Dec 2024 41 min

Don't lose your power by losing your silence.

Bahle Nhlapo is in conversation once again with Pastor Nomthandazo Nangu, and she encourages people by saying, "Don't lose your power by losing your silence." She is looking at Jesus Christ's trial before Pilate.
2 Dec 2024 13 min

When God appears again.

Pastor Shaun Setlhare is back again and today he is looking at When God appears again. He is reading from the Book of 1 Kings 18:36.
2 Dec 2024 13 min

Christianity And Sexual Addiction P3.

Bahle Nhlapo is conversing with Dr. Mmamajoro Shilubana about Christianity And Sexual Addiction. They are delving deeper and looking at the Spirituality and the deeper meaning of sex.
25 Nov 2024 41 min

Don't give up, don't throw in the towel.

Bahle Nhlapo is back in full swing with Pastor Nomthandazo Nangu about Don't give up, don't throw in the towel. She is looking at that person who says: "I'm done, It's enough, I can't take it anymore," that no one must give up or be discouraged or demotivated but to…
25 Nov 2024 13 min
20 – 40