Cape Pulpit 729AM Get Up & Go Breakfast - Life in Action Worldview - Prof Dion Forster

Get Up & Go Breakfast - Life in Action Worldview - Prof Dion Forster

Prof Dion Forster is the Head of Department of Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology, and the director of the Beyers Naudé Center for Public Theology. Every week Prof Dion helps us to express our faith practically with a dose of his infectious passion for life and the Word.
Weekly English South Africa Religion & Spirituality · Christianity
100 Episodes
20 – 40

Prof Dion Forster - We Need Each Other

We might not be able to do everything, or have every gift or ability. Buy, God places us among others to do our bit, and be blessed when others do their bit! Like Moses and Aaron!
22 Feb 8 min

Prof Dion Forster - The Beginning of Happiness

This past Wednesday was Ash Wednesday, and lent has begun. Prof Dion talks about the ‘beginning of happiness’ (Jeremiah 17:5-10 and Psalm 1). The idea is that happiness is not a goal, but a ‘fruit’ and we gain happiness by being ‘rooted’ in good soil.
15 Feb 10 min

Prof Dion Forster - Come, Follow Me

Prof Dion works through Mark 1:14-20, the calling of the disciples. He reflects on what it means when God calls us - the blessing, but also the courage to respond, and how to remain faithful when we might doubt. Jesus will never call us to do anything that he hasn't…
1 Feb 10 min

Prof Dion Forster - God Trusts in Us

“Jesus is infallibly devoted to us in spite of our inconsistent devotion to him..." Listen in as Prof Dion shares more on this very honest look at how God feels about us, versus how we might feel about Him.
25 Jan 8 min

Prof Dion Forster - Being Joyful in Hope

Prof Dion walks us through Romans 12:12 We look at that combination of joy and hope, and how it surpasses reason, and circumstance, and is rooted in faith and faithfulness.
18 Jan 8 min

Prof Dion Forster - Citizens of Heaven and Earth

Prof Dion takes at look at what it means to be a Citizen of Heaven and how we should act here on Earth when it comes to our responsibility as SA citizens, especially in anticipation of next year's elections.
16 Nov 2023 10 min

Prof Dion Forster - God is Generous

Prof Dion shares out of Matthew 20:1-16 (the parable of the generous landowner and the grumbling workers) and focusses on the theme that we have nothing to earn, and everything to gain in working for our generous Lord!
26 Oct 2023 9 min

Prof Dion Forster - Radical Generosity

Prof Dion recounts the kindness of those who helped people stranded by the floods, and how we too need to practice generosity and hospitality. He also takes us through 1 Tim 6:17-19
5 Oct 2023 9 min

Prof Dion Forster - Habits That Build Our Faith

Prof Dion shares some BIG news and also how his faith has been tested with this big decision. What are some of the habits we need to build into our lives as we look to the Giver and not just the gifts.
24 Aug 2023 9 min

Prof Dion Forster - Faith Like a Mustard Seed

Prof Dion shares on: 'Faith like a mustard seed' out of Matt 13:31-33, 44-52. Dion also looks at how faith starts, how it grows, and what faith uncovers in our lives and the lives of others.
20 Jul 2023 9 min

Prof Dion Forster - Perfection vs Imperfection

Prof Dion shares about the tension between perfection and imperfection in our Christian lives (Eph 2:8-10) “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For…
6 Jul 2023 9 min

Prof Dion Forster - Faith and Uncertainty

“Faith is not a light which scatters all our darkness, but a lamp which guides our steps in the night and suffices for the journey.” - Pope Francis, Lumen Fidei. Dion also takes a look at 2 Cor 5:7, that we walk by faith (keeping our eyes fixed on the…
29 Jun 2023 9 min
20 – 40