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Adventist World Radio SIDmedia

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Adventist World Radio SIDmedia, also known as @AWRSIDmedia, is a non-profit Bible-based Christian broadcast ministry. It is the radio wing of SIDmedia, an institute of the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Recent podcast episodes

Shape Shifter | Asanda Madi

Our Shape-Shifter today is Asanda Madi, a clinical psychologist and founder of Journal Cue, the Nedbank YouthX Award Winner of 2021, specialising in producing mental health tools for individuals who are struggling with existential depression, burnout, anxiety, as well as developing a positive mindset and those simply seeking to maintain…
5 Sep 1PM 47 min

Entrepreneurship | Africa Beyond Academy

Today we’re speaking to Takalani Tshivase about his business, and we will be going through some of the lessons learnt along the way in the ups and downs of the entrepreneurship journey.
4 Sep 1PM 40 min

Tech-Tuesday | Facial Recognition Systems: an AI Revolution or Privacy Threat?

Facial recognition technology has sparked many debates and controversies. It is one of the fastest growing surveillance technologies, and it is present in our everyday lives - often without us realising. Big Data Coach Timothy Oriedo joins us to tell us about some of the concerns around privacy and safety.
3 Sep 1PM 31 min