Palliative care | The Lived Experience during Covid 19 and the way Forward
A space to hear the voices of people living through the Covid 19 experience in different scenarios and bearing witness to the suffering and to learn from these lived experience as to how we need shape future interventions and strengthen our healthcare system to deal with a medical emergency or pandemic more effectively.
a. Recovered Covid 19 patient Nothemba Rixana shared her story of getting Covid and then also losing her husband due to Covid. This powerful story speaks to the emotional impact of the illness on individual and communities and the role that he stigma plays in the emotional adjustment and coping with the pandemic . steam came through as a powerful force that has been hampering getting to care sooner rather than later.
b. CHW Boniwe from Soweto shared her experience at the frontline as she was helping to contain the pandemic and do screening to ensure effective management of the illness within her community. Themes like poor training, lack of PPE and limited resources were paramount. She also spoke about the impact of this on herself and her family as she feared contaminating of her loved ones. This stress added to the emotional impact that she had to cope with plus the emphasis on her work as a CHW that she feels passionate about.
The podcast was to create awareness about the role and place that palliative care has in a pandemic like Covid 19 Dr. Liz Gwyther head of the School for public health at UCT spoke after which Juanita Arendse gave overview of the Western Cape Government response and planning for palliative care services during Covid 19
> Bonisiwe Msibi – CHW from Soweto
> Notemba Rixana – Partner of C19 deceased patient
> Dr Margie Venter. : Palliative Care clinician and Chairperson of PALPRAC
> Dr Liz Gwyther head of the School for public health at UCT
> Juanita Arendse – Western Cape Government
a. Recovered Covid 19 patient Nothemba Rixana shared her story of getting Covid and then also losing her husband due to Covid. This powerful story speaks to the emotional impact of the illness on individual and communities and the role that he stigma plays in the emotional adjustment and coping with the pandemic . steam came through as a powerful force that has been hampering getting to care sooner rather than later.
b. CHW Boniwe from Soweto shared her experience at the frontline as she was helping to contain the pandemic and do screening to ensure effective management of the illness within her community. Themes like poor training, lack of PPE and limited resources were paramount. She also spoke about the impact of this on herself and her family as she feared contaminating of her loved ones. This stress added to the emotional impact that she had to cope with plus the emphasis on her work as a CHW that she feels passionate about.
The podcast was to create awareness about the role and place that palliative care has in a pandemic like Covid 19 Dr. Liz Gwyther head of the School for public health at UCT spoke after which Juanita Arendse gave overview of the Western Cape Government response and planning for palliative care services during Covid 19
> Bonisiwe Msibi – CHW from Soweto
> Notemba Rixana – Partner of C19 deceased patient
> Dr Margie Venter. : Palliative Care clinician and Chairperson of PALPRAC
> Dr Liz Gwyther head of the School for public health at UCT
> Juanita Arendse – Western Cape Government