[LISTEN] Impact of the declaration of invalidity of the Municipal Systems Amendment Act of 2011

Background: On 9 March 2017, the Constitutional Court (the Court) confirmed a decision of the High Court, which had declared the Local Government: Municipal Systems Amendment Act, 2011 (Amendment Act) unconstitutional and entirely invalid. The Amendment Act had mainly sought to make changes to the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act of 2000 (Principal Act) while making a minor related amendment to the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act of 1998. The process of its enactment had wrongly followed the procedure laid out under section 75 of the Constitution instead of the appropriate procedure under section 76. The Court confirmed this invalidity in the case of South African Municipal Workers’ Union v Minister of Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs and Others [2017] ZACC 7.
19 Nov 2020 English South Africa Education · Government

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The Local Government Bulletin is a regular publication of the Dullah Omar Institute at the University of the Western Cape. The Bulletin publishes a variety of submissions from policy briefs, case summaries, summaries of legislation, commentaries and opinion pieces. They all relate to the law, policy and financial arrangements affecting…
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