SANPARKS spokesperson Ike Phaahla on # ProgressiveTalk

We are getting a reaction on the story we did on Wednesday about a book written by former human resource manager at the Kruger National Park that details allegations of wrongdoing and abuse. The book titled, Untold Stories about the Dark Side of the Kruger National Park, is a 178-page book authored by former Kruger National Park human resources senior manager Risenga Matelakengisa that tells of startling accounts of racism and torture allegations that were recently made by black field rangers and, last year, prompted SA National Parks (SANParks) management to hire Advocate Boyce Mkhize from Analytical Forensic Investigation Services to investigate
10 Sep 2020 English South Africa Business · Arts

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#InternationalNursesDay| concerns raised around infrastructure issues

The Democratic Nurses Organisation of South Africa in Limpopo says in honour of nurses, government should look into employing more nurses in clinics and hospitals across the province as most of these facilities are short staffed. The organisation's Jacob Molepo was responding to the commemoration of International Nurses day that…
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#MapisaNqakula| former speaker battles with legal woes

Nghamula Chauke speaks to legal and political analysts Benedict Phiri and Dr Levy Ndou on the legal and political battles faced by the speaker of the national assembly Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula. Mapisa-Nqakula has resigned as the speaker after her legal bid to interdict her arrest was dismissed by the court. Analysts…
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