Cultural Wars, #MeToo, Racism, Gender and Religion with Tasneem Chopra

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Voice of the Millennials is hosted by Yaseen Kippie. Millennials, referring to those people born between the years 1984 and 2004. Igniting the youth, this show speaks about issues, events and solutions to uplift and inspire the youth. To contribute to the show email
26 Jan 2018 English South Africa Kids & Family

Other recent episodes


If you are interested in becoming a make- up artist. or you want to pursue that career path further then that is just what we speak about in this segment. In – studio I have with me Ayesha Salasa. She is currently studying beauty therapy and she will be sharing…
28 Nov 2015 18 min


Nasheeds are something that will never go out of fashion. It is always fresh and youthful, with that said we speak discover islam nasheed event that will be taking place and we are now joined in-studio by one of the nasheed groups that will be performing at the event and…
14 Nov 2015 17 min

love Life Launches play4LIFE Campaign

Welcome back to Youth Hour where we are learning to lead. I am Saliha Khan. Our last interview this afternoon with be focussing on the importance of healthy lifestyle choices and this week I will be speaking with…..the…..involved in the establishment of the Play4life ,an organization which discourages underage drinking…
6 Dec 2014 13 min