Word for today | Psalm 50:15
Daily Thought
Psalm 50:15
‘Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honour Me.’
The Lord invites you to call on Him, especially in times of trouble.
We all have those seasons in our lives when only He can help us.
He is with you to help you and deliver you.
Know one thing for sure, He will not abandon you.
Let's Pray...
Lord, thank You for the reassurance that You are with me. In times of trouble You will carry and sustain me and in the end You will deliver me and I will rejoice in Your faithfulness.
Psalm 50:15
‘Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honour Me.’
The Lord invites you to call on Him, especially in times of trouble.
We all have those seasons in our lives when only He can help us.
He is with you to help you and deliver you.
Know one thing for sure, He will not abandon you.
Let's Pray...
Lord, thank You for the reassurance that You are with me. In times of trouble You will carry and sustain me and in the end You will deliver me and I will rejoice in Your faithfulness.