Our voice, our future_Ep 1: Africa’s nurturing care deficit –Why the Nurturing Care Framework matters for every child's

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If the old adage is true, “If we change the beginning of the story, we change the whole story, " a lot needs to be done to address Africa's nurturing care deficit and ensure that the future of children on the African continent is bright. The Nurturing Care Framework is a global strategy designed to ensure that every child has the chance to survive, grow, and reach their full potential. But despite this clear understanding, millions of children in Africa face significant barriers that prevent them from thriving.

To explore this complex issue, we're joined today by Patricia Martin-Wiesner a policy, organisational development, advocacy, and system’s strengthening expert specialising in rights-based governance to build human capital for sustainable development.

Discover how we can work together to bridge this critical gap and secure a brighter future for Africa’s children.


Produced by Creafluence PTY LTD

Video clips
UNICEF Report | 23% of children in SA live in severe food poverty: Toby Fricker:

COP29 | Children across the globe hit by climate crisis:

Nurturing Care Program in Siaya - Part One:

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Cinematic Chillhop Main

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Child face africa by Manuela Milani
Group Children boy, education by Ean254 (Ian Ingalula)
Black and White Boy by Wendy Corniquet
4 Dec English South Africa Kids & Family · Government