Durban's water restrictions explained

In this episode of The Green Scene, we look into a topic that affects every Durbanite—our water supply. With water restrictions recently imposed, many residents are asking why we’re facing shortages despite frequent rainfall and, at times, even flooding. To unpack this, the team welcomes Professor Cathy Sutherland from the University of KwaZulu-Natal's School of Built Environment & Development Studies and WASH Research & Development Centre. Professor Sutherland, a geographer specialising in the relationship between social and environmental systems, helps us break down the complexities of water management in Durban. Among other things, Prof. Sutherland examines the challenges of water access in rain-rich regions, the factors impacting water quality, and steps we can take to protect it, along with some success stories from around Durban.

If you live in eThekwini and wish to report a water leak, you can WhatsApp the details to 066 1149875.
4 Nov 2024 English South Africa Nature · Society & Culture

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