Buwa Basebetsi Updates: Mr Sweet Protest - A worker's story
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This week marks the 8th week since the start of Mister Sweet strike. On the 19th of August Workers at Mister Sweet went on strike demanding a R19000 basic salary as their main bone of content, but there are more issues than what meets the eye as we previously reported. There are issues with overtime pay treatment of female workers, pay disparities and provident fund that is not growing to mention just few.
In this episode we highlight one of the protesting workers experience with Mr Sweet.
What do you do if you get injured at work and can no longer perform your duties? Where do you go? Section 27 of the South African Constitution states that everyone has the right to have access to social security, including, if they are unable to support themselves and their dependants. COIDA, which stands for the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases act is that law that is supposed to assist workers when they get injured whilst on Duty.
In this episode we highlight one of the protesting workers experience with Mr Sweet.
What do you do if you get injured at work and can no longer perform your duties? Where do you go? Section 27 of the South African Constitution states that everyone has the right to have access to social security, including, if they are unable to support themselves and their dependants. COIDA, which stands for the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases act is that law that is supposed to assist workers when they get injured whilst on Duty.