Community-building, with Tessa Kleingeld of The Resource
We've been on a break for about a YEAR, but we're back for Season 2, starting with a long-overdue catchup with Tessa Kleingeld, owner and admin of The Resource and The Resource Creative Forum. Tessa catches us up with what's been going on in the creative freelancing world, the changes and trends she's been seeing in the groups, and the recently activated mentorship programme. She also gives us some great advice (some of it quite sobering) about building a community, especially on Facebook. What it takes, how it works, and what you can expect to get out of it (because if you put years of work into building something and expect no return on it, you're a better person than I am). Finally, I'll be using some of Tessa's tips as I slowly build The Podcasting Guild of South Africa, a Facebook group for South African podcasts to chat, share information and resources, and generally do what we can to accelerate podcasting to in South Africa. If you're into podcasting, or if you're in a parallel discipline like audio engineering, please feel free to join the group and say hi.