#029 The Story of the Coalition (So Far)
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The Climate Justice Coalition (CJC) is a South African coalition of over 60 trade unions, civil society, grassroots, and community-based organisations. It is a powerful movement taking on the climate crisis by advancing a transformative climate justice agenda, which works to overcome the deep inequality, poverty and multiple injustices that South Africa faces.
In this episode, CJC General Secretary Alex Lenferna and Deputy Secretary General Mbali Baduza host a live session at the May 2024 Gathering tracing the Coalition's beginnings. They engage an audience of Coalition members on how the Coalition came to be, tracking how the Coalition grew from a moment of solidarity to the force it has become today.
From the various campaigns and protests, to the major shifts and changes, this is the story of the CJC.
In this episode, CJC General Secretary Alex Lenferna and Deputy Secretary General Mbali Baduza host a live session at the May 2024 Gathering tracing the Coalition's beginnings. They engage an audience of Coalition members on how the Coalition came to be, tracking how the Coalition grew from a moment of solidarity to the force it has become today.
From the various campaigns and protests, to the major shifts and changes, this is the story of the CJC.