S4, Ep.1 What does a mosquito have to do with climate change?

Climate change is undoubtedly affecting us all, from excessive heat to below-normal winter temperatures. Studies show that climate change is increasingly impacting human health, with marginalised and “under” resourced communities the most at risk for negative climate change impacts. The World Bank data states that a warmer climate could lead to at least 21 million additional deaths by 2050 from just five health risks: extreme heat, stunting, diarrhoea, malaria, and dengue. What are the links between climate change and health? Who is the most at risk when it comes to these challenges, and most importantly, how do we plan for and mitigate these risks? Access to decent healthcare is a social and climate justice issue that affects millions around the world.

In this episode of the Just for a Change podcast, Katusha de Villiers, Senior Project Manager at the Bertha Centre shares some new developments on the horizon in the health space that aim to provide solutions as the climate becomes more unstable. Dr Don Mathanga, Malawi Director at the Social Innovation in Health Initiative, adds his expertise to the conversation, sharing both the challenges and opportunities he’s seeing in the realm of healthcare and climate change.

The Bertha Centre is the first specialised centre in Africa dedicated to advancing social innovation and entrepreneurship and focuses on researching, educating, convening, catalysing and advocating for social, environmental and economic justice.. Find out more at https://gsbberthacentre.uct.ac.za/. This podcast is produced by 2stories in collaboration with the Bertha Centre, UCT Graduate School of Business, and the Bertha Foundation.
17 Jul English South Africa Business · Non-Profit

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