Hot Cares and One Insurance unite to support Seth and Freya in a heartwarming tale of hope and healing
Seth and Freya, an inseparable duo whose bond has been a beacon of hope through challenging times. At 16, Seth has faced a tough battle with cancer, and through it all, his loyal companion Freya has been by his side, offering comfort and strength.
Now, Freya needs help. She’s been diagnosed with a ruptured cruciate ligament and requires surgery costing between R28,000 and R38,000. While pet insurance covers R9,500, the family is struggling to meet the remaining costs due to ongoing health and financial challenges.
Now, Freya needs help. She’s been diagnosed with a ruptured cruciate ligament and requires surgery costing between R28,000 and R38,000. While pet insurance covers R9,500, the family is struggling to meet the remaining costs due to ongoing health and financial challenges.