1 July-8am news

#Poverty Worsens in Namibia Despite 16 Years of Activist Efforts
#Harvest and Planting Update at Etunda Green Scheme Irrigation Project ....
#S.A's Sadtu Criticizes DA's Approach in Government Negotiations
#Unrest in Kenya Challenges IMF Targets and Borrowing Costs ...and
# US voters react to presidential debate
1 Jul 12AM English Namibia News

Other recent episodes

3 July-8am news

#Caltex Returns to Namibia After Six Years Through New Licensing Agreement #Education Ministry To Unveil Chairman Mao Zedong Statue at Otjomuise High School .... #South Africa Announces Significant Fuel Price Reductions #Riot Police Clash with Protesters in Widespread Unrest Across Kenya ...and #First House Democrat calls for Biden to drop…
3 Jul 12AM 3 min

3 July-7am news

#Unveiling of Chairman Mao Zedong Statue at High School in Otjomuise #Caltex Brand Returns to Namibia in Partnership with Bachmus #South Africa's Standard Bank Faces Security Breach as Customers Report Fraud and Missing Funds # Armed Men Kill 40 in Central Mali Village Attack ...and # UN concerned about new…
3 Jul 12AM 3 min

2 July - Top Stories

The City of Windhoek sets the record straight in billing system. Anti-tax protests morph into anti-government sentiment demonstrations in Kenya. And...Eritrea’s Girmay becomes the first African to win Tour de France.
2 Jul 1PM 2 min

2 July - 5 pm news

NamPol gives an update on the Independence Avenue shooting. Calls for consequences as South Africa’s government debt to suppliers hits R35 Billion. Anti-tax protests morph into anti-government sentiment demonstrations in Kenya. And...Inflation cools in Eurozone.
2 Jul 11AM 4 min

2 July - 1 pm news

FNB Namibia expects inflation to tick up slightly in June. Independence Avenue shooting in Windhoek leaves suspect dead. SA union criticizes Ramaphosa's 77-member cabinet. And...U.S. military bases are placed on high alert.
2 Jul 7AM 4 min