Impact Players Maintain their performance and Well-Being even under pressure! High performers can handle the need to stretch, expand and develop their capacity, like how John C Maxwell speaks about the Rubber band. Do you have the ability to bounce back and be flexible?
Impact Players Network! What's the impact and value in connecting? A digital world demands a culture of connection, collaboration, communication and network! Think about how much you've implemented this in your life, so you too can be an Impact Player.
Impact Players Manage Stress Effectively. Our Performance and Well-Being is always under pressure; What are the effects of not managing our stress and balance in life, and how can we get better and keeping ourselves in top-top shape? Why consider this? - Resilience is the name of the game!
Impact Players embrace a Growth Mindset! A fixed-Mindset says "I cannot change!" but a Growth-Mindset is resilient and continues learning until the goal is achieved! What does it look like being a Growth-Minded Impact Player?
Impact Players are Self-Motivated and have an Internal Driver to excel What would it take for you to be Self-Motivated? As a leader, thinking about others; What qualities are necessary that are necessary to create intrinsic motivation within others? A perfect Byte for anyone needing to replace carrots and sticks… may request cookies to be stored on our device. We use cookies to understand how you interact with us, to enrich and personalise your experience, to enable social media functionality and to provide more relevant advertising. Using the sections below you can customise which cookies we're allowed to store. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience.