MTN's Bradwin Roper on PayShap - and the future of mobile money
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MTN South Africa last week announced that PayShap, South Africa’s rapid payments platform, is being integrated into its Mobile Money (MoMo) platform.
Bradwin Roper, chief financial services officer at MTN South Africa, is the guest in the latest episode of the TechCentral Show (TCS). He unpacks the PayShap development and what it means, and explores MTN’s fintech strategy and the future of mobile money in South Africa.
In this episode of TCS, Roper chats about:
* The significance of MTN becoming the first non-banking platform to offer access to PayShap;
* Why and how it’s working with Investec and technical service provider Electrum to deploy the solution;
* What MTN customers will be able to do with PayShap;
* The growth of mobile money in South Africa, and the work that MTN is doing to grow the ecosystem; and
* Lessons South Africa can draw from other emerging markets, notably India and Brazil, in mobile money and rapid payments.
Don’t miss the interview!
Bradwin Roper, chief financial services officer at MTN South Africa, is the guest in the latest episode of the TechCentral Show (TCS). He unpacks the PayShap development and what it means, and explores MTN’s fintech strategy and the future of mobile money in South Africa.
In this episode of TCS, Roper chats about:
* The significance of MTN becoming the first non-banking platform to offer access to PayShap;
* Why and how it’s working with Investec and technical service provider Electrum to deploy the solution;
* What MTN customers will be able to do with PayShap;
* The growth of mobile money in South Africa, and the work that MTN is doing to grow the ecosystem; and
* Lessons South Africa can draw from other emerging markets, notably India and Brazil, in mobile money and rapid payments.
Don’t miss the interview!