Agra Draadloos Direk Ep 103
Draadloos is 'n 10 minuut-lange landbou program en potgooi aangebied deur PD Stoman. Hy kyk na aktuele landbou sake, asook die jonste nuus en ander sake van belang vir die landbou gemeenskap, en sluit in wenke en raad, weer sake asook vendusies wat voorle.
Draadloos is a 10-Minute Agri Show or Radio Magazine Programme and Podcast hosted by PD Stoman, in which he will be covering the latest news in agriculture topics, weather, general farming tips and upcoming auctions.
Draadloos is a 10-Minute Agri Show or Radio Magazine Programme and Podcast hosted by PD Stoman, in which he will be covering the latest news in agriculture topics, weather, general farming tips and upcoming auctions.