The Nova Surf Report - 4 April 2024
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With Lourens Engelbrecht
Lourens started surfing at Vic Bay in 2008. He backpacked and surfed through out South America for 9 months. Brazil, Argentina , Chile, Peru and Ecuador. He surfed Chicama in Peru - the longest left in the world with waves running for 2.4km. He spent 6 months in Mauritius as n surfing instructor. Clearly surfing is his biggest passion.
Catch the surf report on Nova every weekday between 1 - 2pm
Lourens started surfing at Vic Bay in 2008. He backpacked and surfed through out South America for 9 months. Brazil, Argentina , Chile, Peru and Ecuador. He surfed Chicama in Peru - the longest left in the world with waves running for 2.4km. He spent 6 months in Mauritius as n surfing instructor. Clearly surfing is his biggest passion.
Catch the surf report on Nova every weekday between 1 - 2pm