The Evan Bray Show - Are our federal politicians out of touch with the priorities of Canadians? - February 16th, 2024

From Minister Guilbeault’s announcement that the government will no longer fund roads to the ridiculous bill from MP Charlie Angus to ban oil and gas ads, there seem to be a lot of questionable decisions being made in Ottawa.
16 Feb 10AM English Canada News Commentary

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The Evan Bray Show - A.J. Jacobs - September 6th, 2024

An American journalist has just finished finding out what it means to "live constitutionally," in the most full meaning of the American constitution -- including applying to exercise his constitutional right to be a pirate. Journalist and author, A.J. Jacobs, joins Evan to share what he learned from the experience.
6 Sep 1PM 17 min

The Evan Bray Show - Ian Boxall - September 6th, 2024

The proposed merger between Bunge and Viterra continues but valid concerns over the move continue to be raised. Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan president (APAS), Ian Boxall, joins Evan to address some of those concerns.
6 Sep 11AM 16 min