The Crypto Market Is WRONG! (Debt Ceiling Deal CATASTROPHE)

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The Debt Ceiling deal might be the worst thing that has happened to Crypto and Markets since 2011. Let me show you why it's time to play defence on your Bitcoin and crypto portfolio!

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๐ŸŽต DJ Asher Swissa
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๐ŸŽต Marc Rebillet
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Crypto Banter is a social podcast for entertainment purposes only!
All opinions expressed by the hosts, guests and callers should not be construed as financial advice! Views expressed by guests and hosts do not reflect the views of the station. Listeners are encouraged to do their own research.

#Bitcoin #Crypto #Altcoins

00:00 Bitcoin Price Analysis & Debt Ceiling
03:34 Why the Bitcoin Price is Pumping
07:18 PCE Inflation Numbers & Interest Rates
08:35 US Debt Ceiling Deal Up for Vote
15:34 US General Treasury Account Balance
17:39 US Dollar Index & Market Liquidity
20:22 Bitcoin Price & Gold Correlation
21:28 China Hong Kong Crypto Narrative
24:50 Hong Kong Crypto Trading Requirements
29:06 NIKKEI All-Time High & Bitcoin Price
33:32 USDC & USDT Token Market Caps
38:30 Next Crypto Market Cycle Drivers
41:50 Ben.eth & Crypto Banter is Hiring

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