Its a real jungle at Jungle Lodges
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Geniene Preston of Life is a Beach caught up with General Manager of Jungle Lodges, Anikethan Chandre, at the World Travel Market Africa, in Cape Town early in April 2023. He shared with us the activities, lodges and background to the resorts in India and it certainly gave me thought to want to visit! Most of their lodges are resident in the Karnataka area of India.
Karnataka’s forests were the playground of hunters Kings, queens and ministers from lands afar, came here in pursuit of big game. The bigger the game, the harder they were chased. Kabini’s forests were a special favourite. Rulers came. The viceroys and the officers of the British East India Company came, these forests even played host to the Russian Grand Dukes’ penchant for game hunting, way back in 1891. Today, these forests still hold sway. Their allure still brings people from the farthest outreaches of the globe – Hollywood even – but with a different motive
Karnataka’s forests were the playground of hunters Kings, queens and ministers from lands afar, came here in pursuit of big game. The bigger the game, the harder they were chased. Kabini’s forests were a special favourite. Rulers came. The viceroys and the officers of the British East India Company came, these forests even played host to the Russian Grand Dukes’ penchant for game hunting, way back in 1891. Today, these forests still hold sway. Their allure still brings people from the farthest outreaches of the globe – Hollywood even – but with a different motive