If Ramaphosa is re-elected, SA may have foot the Phala phala legal bills

Parliament was due to debate the the section 89 Phala Phala panel's report, but instead the discussion has been postponed to December 13. The delay will ensure that the debate happens just 4 days before the ANC's elective conference, in which the party hopes to elect its leaders. 

Political analyst and lecturer at UKZN, Dr Fikile Vilikazi, says that parliaments delay and Ramaphosa's Constitutional court bid are significantly timed. She suggests that they may be a tactic to ensure he retains popularity ahead of the conference. However, she also warns that if Ramaphosa is re-elected in 2024, under the shadow of the Phala phala scandal, SA's taxpayer may be required to foot another hefty legal bill. 
6 Dec 2022 7AM English South Africa News · Daily News

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