The Business Report on Nova 1035 Ep 43

The Business Report on NOVA 1035, 29 September 2022

In this episode's Lead Story, Gary Stroebel speaks to Robin Sherbourne, from the Institute Of Public Policy Research, who just released the State of the Economy. In the Market Watch, Gary speaks to Namibia Breweries Limited Managing Director Marco Wenk about their financial results for the year ended 30 June 2022. In the Spotlight, Angie Scholtz speaks to Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila. In Story Two, Gary speaks to Valeria Mbango, the Deputy Director of Strategy, Projects, and Transformation at the Bank of Namibia about a Thought Leadership Event they hosted under the theme ‘’Central Banking Digital Currencies and Virtual Assets’’, and Michael Appel joins us once again for the weekly BizNews Wrap.
29 Sep 2022 English Namibia Business · Business News

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