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1. Members’ statements (50)
2. Consideration of Candidate nominated for appointment as Inspector-General of Intelligence Services (Report of JSC on Intelligence, see ATC, 31 August 2022) (5)
3. Consideration of Recommendation of candidates to fill four vacancies on Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) Council (Report of PC on Communications, see ATC, 24 August 2022, p 5) (5)
4. Consideration of Request for Approval by Parliament of Protocols relating to the Amendments to Articles 50(a) and 56 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Report of PC on Transport, see ATC, 2 June 2022, p 5) (5)
5. Consideration of Report of PC on Transport on Oversight visits to Mpumalanga, North West and KwaZulu-Natal Provinces from 19 to 23 April 2022 (ATC, 7 June 2022, p 20) (5)
6. Consideration of Reports of Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament on:
• Parliament of the Republic of South Africa’s 2021/22 Mid-Year Performance (ATC, 7 March 2022, p 1)
• Parliament of the Republic of South Africa’s 2021/22 Third Quarter Report (ATC, 6 June 2022, p 5) (5)
7. Motions without notice
8. Notices of motion
1. Members’ statements (50)
2. Consideration of Candidate nominated for appointment as Inspector-General of Intelligence Services (Report of JSC on Intelligence, see ATC, 31 August 2022) (5)
3. Consideration of Recommendation of candidates to fill four vacancies on Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) Council (Report of PC on Communications, see ATC, 24 August 2022, p 5) (5)
4. Consideration of Request for Approval by Parliament of Protocols relating to the Amendments to Articles 50(a) and 56 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Report of PC on Transport, see ATC, 2 June 2022, p 5) (5)
5. Consideration of Report of PC on Transport on Oversight visits to Mpumalanga, North West and KwaZulu-Natal Provinces from 19 to 23 April 2022 (ATC, 7 June 2022, p 20) (5)
6. Consideration of Reports of Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament on:
• Parliament of the Republic of South Africa’s 2021/22 Mid-Year Performance (ATC, 7 March 2022, p 1)
• Parliament of the Republic of South Africa’s 2021/22 Third Quarter Report (ATC, 6 June 2022, p 5) (5)
7. Motions without notice
8. Notices of motion