S01E11 | Stripping down the legal aspects of purchasing a property
The Stripped Money Conversations Community asked, and I answered. Today we are talking about some of the legal oversights that people have when purchasing a property. After falling in love with a house, how do you ensure that you know exactly what you are getting yourself into?
Joining me today is Vusi Mathebula, an attorney and property investor who is extremely passionate about sharing insights on his information hub The Property Link and today we are stripping down the legal aspect of purchasing a property for personal or investment use.
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Joining me today is Vusi Mathebula, an attorney and property investor who is extremely passionate about sharing insights on his information hub The Property Link and today we are stripping down the legal aspect of purchasing a property for personal or investment use.
Let me know what you think of this episode by tweeting @StrippedMoney or share the love on Instagram by tagging @stripped_podcast. You can also join our community by visiting the Stripped Money Conversations website. I'd also love it if you left a review on whichever listening platform you use.