26. KSB Interview with Daniel Schricker_2
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This week we continue our conversation with Daniel Schricker. We learn a little more about him and he gives us some valuable insights into the mission.
You can follow Daniel on Twitter @ComposerDan90
We will be taking a 4 week break. Happy Holidays, stay safe and see you in the new year.
Emotional Assistance:
Lifeline – 0861 322 322
South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14
116 to reach Childline or go to their website at www.childlinesa.org.za.
Contact Decoding Cults:
By Design Crafts SA:
Endeavour AV:
You can follow Daniel on Twitter @ComposerDan90
We will be taking a 4 week break. Happy Holidays, stay safe and see you in the new year.
Emotional Assistance:
Lifeline – 0861 322 322
South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14
116 to reach Childline or go to their website at www.childlinesa.org.za.
Contact Decoding Cults:
By Design Crafts SA:
Endeavour AV: