Algoa FM Roch-Lè Bloem

Roch-Lè Bloem

Tune into Roch-Lè Bloem weekdays from 9 am - 12 pm for a whole lot of fun, good music, vibes and conversation!
Occasionally English South Africa Society & Culture · Music
56 Episodes
1 – 20

Kea Zawadi gets ready to put her spin on the Algoa FM Top 30

Roch catches up with Algoa FM's multi-talented presenter ahead of her first stint as the host of the popular chart show. This is the first time in the history of the Algoa FM Top 30 that a female will be in the hot seat. Nice one Kea!
5 Jul 5 min

Coca Cola's 'Bizniz in a Box' a game changer

As Youth Month came to a close, Roch caught up with livewire entrepreneur, Luyanda Mtyeku, whose dream of opening an eatery was realised with the help of CCBSA's innovative Youth and Women Empowerment Bizniz in a Box programme.
4 Jul 6 min

Real Talk with Roch-Lè : The David Lee Podcast

Well-known SA actor David Lee felt compelled to write 'The Last Ranger ' after witnessing a slaughtered rhino in the flesh. This award-winning Oscar 2025-qualified movie was shot in the Eastern Cape - this is the story behind the story.
16 May 15 min

The Logos Hope heads to GQ!

The world's largest floating bookfair, Logos Hope, will be docking in GQ this Friday. Advance Preparations Coordinator Tim Schlecht has all the details!
19 Feb 4 min

Multi-award winning Martin Bester set to entertain the Eastern Cape

The former Algoafm breakfast jock, who is "insanely talented," has an open invitation to the station whenever he is in town. With a new single out, Martin is bringing his band "home"! It was the perfect time to catch up with the entertainer who is still missed by many in…
8 Dec 2023 5 min

Donal MacIntyre on the documentary detailing his harrowing career

This is the story behind the story - Roch-Lè scoops an interview with the affable Irish investigative journalist whose life's work of over 30 years has seen him be shot at, beaten, and forced to move house more times than he can remember. He has been an undercover reporter over…
6 Dec 2023 15 min
1 – 20