Maranatha Drive

Maranatha Drive is the show that gives the last push to end your day. Filled with energy, good music, and great conversation the show guarantees to help ease your day into the evening. Presented by Zama Malote, Maranatha Drive touches on current affairs and many bible-based conversations.
Monthly English South Africa Christianity
501 Episodes
1 – 20

Transformation | Work/Life Balance: Time Management (Part 2)

Last week, we introduced this subject by defining what time is, how it came to be set up the way that it is, and we learnt that God is indeed the Master and Creator of time itself, with even eternity existing within Him. Having learnt of the value of this…
1 May 15 min

Fundamental Beliefs | The Remnant & Its Mission

There is special meaning to the remnant of believers that will exist in the last days, when earth is at its worst, right before Christ’s Second Coming. Let’s learn more about this remnant.
1 May 13 min

Bible Corner | Our Identity in Christ

Since its inception in 1863, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has become a significant global body, with congregations in more than 200 countries and a membership of more than 20 million.
1 May 16 min

Family | Childhood Discipline and Adult Criminality

The family is the fundamental building block of human society. Consequently, the foundation of any nation is only as strong as its families. There is much to be learned about the effects of family life on delinquency and crime. Today we’ll be focusing on discipline, and how it may affect…
30 Apr 14 min

VOP Lesson | Why the Blood?

All this talk of blood and sacrifices in conversations about the Old Testament sanctuary really sounds like a gruesome affair. Why is it that “without shedding of blood there is no remission of sin”? (Hebrews 9:22)
30 Apr 12 min

Bible Corner | Our Identity in Christ

We’re talking about the unique beliefs of the SDA church that make up part of our identity. Where do they come from? And how should we approach conversations or debates with people who choose to argue against our beliefs?
30 Apr 25 min

Education | Autism Awareness

As many of our listeners know, April is World Autism Awareness Month and the aim is to take measures to raise awareness about persons with autism throughout the world. Irene Mathenjwa from the Zekwande Foundation joins us for a catch up session to learn of any recent developments or strides…
29 Apr 13 min

VOP Lesson | A Revelation of Christ Who Died to Save Us

In the last few VOP lessons, we’ve discussed at length the sanctuary and its meaning and significance to followers of Christ. But there are some differences between the earthly sanctuary and the heavenly sanctuary. Let’s talk about these as well as how Christ is revealed to us in the sanctuary.
29 Apr 11 min

Bible Corner | Our Identity in Christ

This week, we’re going to be focusing on what is our collective identity in Christ as the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, as well as our individual identities in Christ. Who are we, as individuals, and how do we fit into the greater identity of the church?
29 Apr 10 min

Lifestyle | Principles for Healthy Living on a Budget

We started this conversation last week, and we ended with a promise to continue discussing a few principles of healthy living that can be applied to any budget. Dr. Kizito shared 6 principles, and today we’ll be discussing each one in detail.
26 Apr 21 min

Fundamental Beliefs | The Church

Each Adventist church is unique in the way they serve their communities and church members. But, you will find some common themes in most Adventist churches.
26 Apr 11 min

Legal | Ethical/Legal Issues in International Intervention

Any kind of armed humanitarian intervention, or the use of military force to protect the fundamental human rights of the citizens of another state, has become increasingly prominent in debates about the role of ethics in international affairs. Let’s explore the legal and ethical issues that arise in such cases.
25 Apr 21 min

Fundamental Beliefs | The Church

In the New Testament, Jesus established the church. The apostles were given a place of leadership and authority. This is the leadership we will be discussing in today’s conversation about the church as a fundamental belief of the Adventist church.
25 Apr 8 min

Bible Corner | Evangelism

Obviously as we “go ye therefore” as we were commissioned to do, as with any other task we’re given, there has to be a goal and a method of measuring performance, and that will be the focus of this conversation as we continue to speak on evangelism.
25 Apr 10 min

Transformation | Work/Life Balance: The Value of Time (Part 1)

Time is very important in life. No one can escape the passing of time. If time is managed properly it will lead to the development of a good habit of organizing one’s daily activities. But how exactly do we balance our time, as it seems more and more like 24…
24 Apr 31 min

Fundamental Beliefs | The Church

The Church, as Scripture defines it, has little to do with a building or physical structure. The collective Church refers to the family of believers in Christ. And Seventh-day Adventists consider this belief to be central to their mission in sharing the gospel and being of service to one another.
24 Apr 14 min

Bible Corner | Evangelism

The message has been given to us all to share with the world. Today’s conversation on evangelism will focus on the messenger, and his/her readiness to take the word to the world. Can you or I be used by God, just as we are?
24 Apr 14 min

Family | Navigating Changes When Children Get Married

Adjusting to the changes in a family when a child gets married is often just as difficult for parents as it is for adult children. There is no textbook on how to balance between leaving home to establish one's own family while staying connected to the family of origin. The…
23 Apr 16 min

Bible Corner | Evangelism

Today our focus is on the message itself, as it relates to evangelism. What exactly are we supposed to be sharing with the world? And how well versed do we need to be with our subject matter?
23 Apr 15 min
1 – 20