Martin Brand Students of Surgery

Students of Surgery

An overview of surgical topics aimed at medical students coming to their clinical surgery rotations, as well as refreshers for early career medical doctors working in surgical departments. These podcasts provide core knowledge of topics, providing a platform to commence deeper learning.
English South Africa Natural Sciences · Education
48 Episodes
1 – 20

Upper GIT Oesophageal cancer

Oesophageal cancer is not an uncommon cause of dysphagia or odonophagia in a general surgery practice. In this podcast we give an overview of the two most common types of oesophageal cancer, their presentation, investigation and management.
Season 1 / Episode 0 24 min

Paediatric surgery Anorectal malformation

Anorectal malformation does not only refer to an imperforate anus, but is a spectrum of abnormalities of rectum/ anus possible. It is also associated with other congenital abnormalities known by the mnenomonic 'VACTERL'.
Season 1 / Episode 0 12 min

Paediatric surgery Gastro-intestinal bleeding

Even a small amount of blood appears large and can be alarming for parents and doctor. It is usually self-limiting and seldom life threatening. A careful history and physical examination is important to determine the most likely cause and severity of the bleed.
Season 1 / Episode 0 35 min

Paediatric surgery Constipation

Constipation and faecal incontinence is common and has a good prognosis if treated appropriately. An assessment of a child with constipation is primarily through a careful history and clinical examination and rarely abdominal x-rays are required to determine the cause of the constipation.
Season 1 / Episode 0 42 min

General surgery Soft tissue tumors

Sarcomas are rare cancerrs which originate in tissues that connect, support and surround other body structures, these include muscle, fat, blood vessels, nerves, tendons and joint linings.
Season 1 / Episode 0 7 min

General Surgery HIV associated malignancies for the general surgeon

There are cancers rarely seen in the general population, but are common in HIV positive patients, such as Kaposi sarcoma and non-Hodgkins lymphoma. In this podcast we give an overview of the more common HIV associated malignancies that a general surgeon may be faced with.
Season 1 / Episode 0 7 min

Lower GIT Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer and it's complications will be a common condition managed by anyone treating surgical emergencies as well as working in general surgery departments. In this podcast we discuss these cancers, their presentations and the management thereof.
Season 1 / Episode 0 37 min

HPB Infective liver lesions

There are three common infective liver lesions: pyogenic abscess, hydatid disease and amoebic abscesses. In this podcats they are differentiated by their clinical presentation, diagnostic features and management.
Season 1 / Episode 0 17 min

Paediatric surgery Transfer of the neonate

Successfully transfering an ill neonate from a peripheral hospital to a center where paeditric surgeons and paediatricians can care for the patient inlcudes a well planned and thorough process. In this episode we discuss what is needed for this kind of patient transfer.
Season 1 / Episode 0 10 min

General Surgery Daily approach to a ward patient

Having a systematic reproducible routine of assessing a surgical ward patient during your daily ward rounds is essential, ensuring that they are improving, picking up signs early that something may be going wrong. In this podcast we discuss how to go about this essential component of your clinical practice.
Season 1 / Episode 0 12 min

HPB Acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is an acute inflammatory disease of the pancreas which is reversible. There are several causes, the most common of which are gallstones and alcohol ingestion. In this podcast we discuss the causes of acute pancreatitis, it's severity staging and management thereof.
Season 1 / Episode 0 20 min

General Surgery The spleen

The most common indication for spleen surgery is trauma. In the absence of trauma, spleen surgery is relatively rare and seldomly required. When indicated it may be curative and lifesaving. In this podcast we discuss elective, non-trauma general surgical aspects of the spleen.
Season 1 / Episode 0 15 min

Breast surgery Breast cancer

There is an 8-10% lifetime risk for all women. The most significant risk factors are female sex and increased age. The most common type of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma.
Season 1 / Episode 0 8 min

Paediatric surgery Diaphragmatic hernias

Defects in the diaphargm are most commonly either Bochdalek or Morgagni hernias, each with it's own unique presentation, assocaitions and complications.
Season 1 / Episode 0 10 min

General surgery Acute abdomen

An acute abdomen is a painful process, of acute onset, and is characterized by progressively worsening pain and gasto-intestinal symptoms. In many cases the causative condition requires surgical intervention to avoid complications and death.
Season 1 / Episode 0 26 min

Head and Neck surgery Neck masses

A neck mass is a lump or swelling in the neck. Most common are enlarged lymph nodes which may or may not be pathological. In this podcast we discuss an approach to diagnosising neck masses.
Season 1 / Episode 0 44 min

HPB Benign solid liver lesions

Benign liver lesions are common. The diagnosis is made by imaging and not by biopsy. However if the diagnosis is unclear after adequate imaging (U/S and CT and MRI with contrast) then the decision to do a biopsy should be made by a HPB surgeon. The biopsy would then be…
Season 1 / Episode 0 11 min
1 – 20