RISE fm RISE fm Breakfast

RISE fm Breakfast

... with JT from 06h00 to 09h00, Mon to Fri

Catch CarTalk, Kiddies in 60, and much, much more.
Occasionally English South Africa Society & Culture
130 Episodes
1 – 20

Kiddies in 60

#YES-NO GAME There are 3 rules...RULES You can't say Yes 2. You can't say No and 3. NoRepeatation kiddies in 60
25 Oct 3 min

kiddies in 60 with Khayalethu masilela

#YES-NO GAME There are 3 rules...RULES You can't say Yes 2. You can't say No and 3. NoRepeatation kiddies in 60 Name ; Khayalethu masilela Age: 12 Grade; 6 School ; learskool Malelane Gender ;boy Location; Malelane
15 Oct 2 min
1 – 20