Deutsche Welle African Roots

African Roots

DW's history project "African Roots" addresses young Africans

DW's new series "African Roots" uses online comics and radio broadcasts to highlight 25 important African personalities. The project, funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation, is aimed at young audiences.
The portraits cover a long period of time, ranging from Dinknesh, the "Mother of Mankind" in present-day Ethiopia, to legendary rulers of the Middle Ages such as Mali's King Sunjata Keita to key figures from the African independence movement such as Patrice Lumumba.

These animated online stories by the successful Nigerian graphic design team "Comic Republic," will primarily be shared on Facebook once a week. DW’s Facebook platforms for Africa have more than four million subscribers. There will also be broadcasts of supporting content on radio, reaching nearly 40 million African listeners per week. Most of the content is available in six languages (English, Amharic, Hausa, Kiswahili, French, Portuguese).

DW users have raised concerns saying that public discourse on African history is often based solely on the perspective of the continent's former colonial powers. One commented on Facebook that "young Africans don't have easy access to historical documentation." "African Roots" hopes to help close this gap. The project, spearheaded by DW's Africa service, employs African sources, and was developed in collaboration with African historians, cultural scientists and writers. It targets Africa's young generation, which makes up the vast majority of the population on the continent.
Once-off English South Africa History · Education
25 Episodes
1 – 20

Yaa Asantewaa, the Asante warrior queen

A strong-willed woman who had the courage to stand by her convictions, throughout her life Yaa Asantewaa defended what she believed to be the sanctity of her land, culture and language. If need be, by fighting. When did Yaa Asantewaa live? Yaa Nana Asantewaa was born in 1840 in Besease,…
5 Nov 2019 3 min

Thomas Sankara, the upright revolutionary

Dubbed the "African Che Guevara," Thomas Sankara led a revolution in the former Upper Volta, reinventing the state as Burkina Faso. Even though he was murdered only years later, his influence lasts until today. When did Thomas Sankara live? Born in 1949, Captain Thomas Sankara took power during the revolution…
5 Nov 2019 3 min

Sunjata Keita, founder of the Mali Empire

West African storytellers still sing the praises of Sunjata Keita today. Crippled as a child, he overcame his disability to unify the fragmented kingdoms of the region, creating the vast medieval Mali Empire. Who was Sunjata Keita? Sunjata Keita, also spelled Sundiata or Soundiata, is a heroic figure still praised…
5 Nov 2019 4 min

Siti binti Saad, the mother of taarab

A famous Zanzibari singer and composer, Siti binti Saad established taarab as a performing art and as a mouthpiece for women in East Africa. In the process, she became a pioneer in many ways. When did Siti binti Saad live? Siti binti Saad was born in 1880 in the Fumba…
5 Nov 2019 4 min

Sarah Baartman: Reclaiming an African venus

Changing from domestic servant to wondrous attraction, Sarah Baartman was considered an ape in Europe. Though people paid in droves to stare at her body, she died in poverty far from her South African home. When did Sarah Baartman live? Sarah Baartmann, also known as Saartjie Baartman, was born circa…
5 Nov 2019 3 min

Queen of Sheba: A journey in search of wisdom

Though her origin is contested, the Queen of Sheba — also known as Makeda — is at the core of Ethiopian mythology. Her encounter with Israel's King Solomon 3,000 years ago is legendary. When did the Queen of Sheba live? She is believed to have lived more than three thousand…
5 Nov 2019 3 min

Queen Muhumuza: Fighting colonialism in East Africa

About a hundred years ago in Uganda, Queen Muhumuza stood against patriarchal, colonial and chauvinist forces. She was a spiritual leader, a military leader and a fighter for social justice. When did Muhumuza live? Queen Muhumuza's exact date of birth is not known but her life history spans from the…
5 Nov 2019 4 min

Patrice Lumumba, uncompromising independence fighter

He's inspired generations: Patrice Lumumba became prime minister when the Congo was still under Belgian colonial rule. But he was forced out of office shortly after the country's independence and later assassinated. When and where did Patrice Lumumba live? Patrice Emery Lumumba was born as Elias Okitasombo on July 2,…
5 Nov 2019 4 min

Queen Njinga Mbande: The diplomat warrior

Njinga Mbande was a diplomat and a military chief from the 17th century in the territory which is now known as Angola. She fought the Portuguese through military actions and diplomacy until her death at 82. When did Njinga Mbande live? She lived in what is now Angola. Njinga Mbande…
5 Nov 2019 3 min

Ngungunyane, the king against Portuguese occupation

He was the last king of Gaza. And he resisted Portuguese occupation. A century after his death, Ngungunyane came to symbolize Mozambican resistance. But he remains a controversial figure. When and where did Ngungunyane live? Ngungunyane — also known as Mudungazi — was born around 1850 in the territory of…
5 Nov 2019 4 min

Nelson Mandela, visionary of a free South Africa

Nelson Mandela emerged from 27 years in prison to lead South Africa to freedom from white rule. He became the country's first black president and won the Nobel Peace prize for his policy of reconciliation. When and where did Nelson Mandela live? Born in the mountainous Transkei region of South…
5 Nov 2019 4 min

Margaret Ekpo, pioneering feminism in Nigeria

She was strong. She was outspoken. She didn't just open doors for women, she kicked them down. The Nigerian women's rights activist and politician, Margaret Ekpo, helped change the face of politics in Nigeria. When and where did Margaret Ekpo live? Margaret Ekpo was born in 1924 in the muddy…
5 Nov 2019 4 min

Louis Rwagasore, the unifying prince

Prince Louis Rwagasore was supposed to lead Burundi into independence. He was named prime minister but was killed shortly before independence. "A peaceful, happy and prosperous Burundi." This was the dream of Prince Louis Rwagasore, who was passionate about economics and convinced that independence could be achieved peacefully. When did…
5 Nov 2019 3 min

Kwame Nkrumah: Fighting for a united Africa

After an academic career in the US and England, Kwame Nkrumah returned home to lead Ghana into independence and become its first president. His vision of a US-style union could however not be achieved. When did Kwame Nkrumah live? 21. September 1909 (Nkroful, Ghana) – 27. April 1972 (Bukarest, Rumania)…
5 Nov 2019 3 min

Kinjeketile and the Maji Maji rebellion

Kinjeketile Ngwale claimed to be a spirit medium. He defied the German colonialists in Tanganyika, unleashed an uprising and gave the people with 'sacred water' which they believed would keep them from harm. When did Kinjeketile live? Little is known about Kinjeketile's childhood and upbringing. Although there is uncertainty about…
5 Nov 2019 3 min

Julius Nyerere: Undeterred African leader

A pronounced pan-Africanist, Nyerere led Tanganyika to independence and later unified it with Zanzibar to form Tanzania. Despite shortcomings, his Ujamaa policy is credited for giving Tanzania a national identity. When was Julius Nyerere born? In 1922, Butiama village in Tanganyika. He studied teaching at Makerere University in Uganda. Later…
5 Nov 2019 3 min

Josina Machel - Mozambique's female freedom fighter

A heroine of Mozambique's freedom struggle, Josina Machel fought for women's rights and encouraged other women to join the war. She died at 25 without seeing her dream of an independent Mozambique become a reality. Who was Josina Machel? She was born Josina Abiathar Muthemba on August 10, 1945 in…
5 Nov 2019 3 min

Hendrik Witbooi, a strategic political fighter

Known by his people as "!Nanseb Gaib Gabemab" (the snake in the grass), Hendrik Witbooi rallied his Nama people to rise up in a guerrilla war against German imperialism in what is today Namibia. When did Hendrik Witbooi live? Hendrik Witbooi was born around 1830 in Pella, a district which…
5 Nov 2019 3 min

Haile Selassie - Ethiopia's 'Lion of Judah

His Imperial Highness Emperor Haile Selassie represented a dynastic line which stretched back centuries. He was an absolute ruler and yet a modernizer who introduced the very reforms which eventually proved his downfall. When did Haile Selassie live? Haile Selassie was born Tafari Makonnen on July 23, 1892, near Harar,…
5 Nov 2019 4 min

Dinknesh - a peek into the history of humankind

The discovery of Dinknesh, also known as Lucy, changed the way we understand evolution. Her 3.2 million-year-old fossilized skeleton was discovered in 1974 in Ethiopia. Where was Dinknesh found? She was discovered near the Ethiopian village of Hadar in the Afar Triangle, a geographical depression that is part of the…
5 Nov 2019 3 min
1 – 20